• Expanding options for a car-oriented suburban area
    <strong>Village of Providence</strong> <em>Huntsville, AL</em>

    Build Great Places / #thisiscnu

  • Historic arcade houses young professionals
    <strong>Microlofts at The Arcade Providence</strong>&nbsp;<em>Providence, Rhode Island</em>

    Build Great Places / #thisiscnu

  • A unique building becomes a hub for historic neighborhoods
    <strong>Ponce City Market</strong> <em>Atlanta, GA</em>

    Build Great Places / #thisiscnu

  • A mixed-use center for town and gown
    <strong>Storrs Center</strong> <em>Mansfield, CT</em>

    Build Great Places / #thisiscnu

  • Jazz Market New Orleans Audience Seating
    Jazz Market New Orleans Audience Seating
    Trumpeting a cultural revival
    <strong>Peoples Health New Orleans Jazz Market</strong>&nbsp; <em>New Orleans, Louisiana</em>

    Build Great Places / #thisiscnu

  • Southside
    Ten acres that transformed a city #thisiscnu

    Build Great Places / #thisiscnu

  • Mercado District | Tucson, Arizona
    A timeless place from the ground up. #thisiscnu

    Build Great Places / #thisiscnu

  • From parking lot to urban tour-de-force
    <strong>UCLA Weyburn</strong>&nbsp;<em>Los Angeles, California</em>

    Build Great Places / #thisiscnu

  • Crosstown_Concourse_2018_Charter_LooneyRicksKiss
    From former warehouse to "vertical village"
    <strong>Crosstown Concourse</strong>&nbsp; <em>Memphis, Tennessee</em>

    Build Great Places / #thisiscnu

Project Database

This searchable database of projects represents the range and diversity of work in the New Urbanism. From regional-scale visions to single-building historic renovations, CNU members and their allies build places people love through land use planning, development, policy, and advocacy. If you are aware of a project that you believe should be part of the database, please email Robert Steuteville or Lauren Mayer.



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1950 - 2023

Albany Skyway

Albany, New York

Cities across America have been damaged and disfigured by urban freeways—and the recently completed Albany Skyway shows how they can begin to heal.

ReLeaf Cedar Rapids

Cedar Rapids, Iowa

Trees are such a ubiquitous part of the urban landscape that their vital role is sometimes overlooked.

Higher Ground Initiative

, Nauru

The stakes could not be higher for The Republic of Nauru, an eight-square-mile island nation of 12,500 people in the central Pacific Ocean.

Beach Town, Las Catalinas

Las Catalinas, Costa Rica

The 21-acre Beach Town in Las Catalinas, Costa Rica, combines the intricate urbanism of a European hill town with the architecture of Latin America and the development programming and process of a US new urbanist neighborhood.

Project 180

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Oklahoma City reversed a half century of automobile-centric street planning in a comprehensive makeover of its downtown public realm in the last decade. 

Kirkpatrick Park

Nashville, Tennessee

The 4-acre Kirkpatrick Park sets a standard for how to build mixed-income public housing in Nashville—an example that could be emulated elsewhere in the US.

Plant Riverside District

Savannah, Georgia

Plant Riverside District revamped a former industrial site into a dynamic mixed-use waterfront district, woven into the city, extending Savannah’s renowned Oglethorpe plan.

Beatrice Row

Coral Gables, Florida

Beatrice Row elegantly introduces a new building type, the townhouse, to the City of Coral Gables in a way that allows a transition between the high-rise downtown to surrounding single-story detached neighborhoods.

King Open/Cambridge Street Community Complex

Cambridge, Massachusetts

The Community Complex on Cambridge Street in Cambridge, Massachusetts, comprises a versatile set of civic uses that serves all ages of residents, throughout the day, seven days a week.

River District Implementation Plan

Elkhart, Indiana

An underutilized peninsula across the river from downtown is giving Elkhart, Indiana, an opportunity to diversify its economy.



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1950 - 2023