Tips for TOD advocates

Among other advice offered to people thinking of pursuing joint development around transit stations:

• Sarah Kline of Reconnecting America says the transit agency should have a staff person who is dedicated to TOD or joint development.

• Guidance from the FTA “is flexible, but it can be unclear,” according to Kline. “The rules may be burdensome for small transit agencies.”

• The transit agency should create a mission statement and policy guide on joint development. Kline says forthcoming FTA circular could help with that.

• Such development is not constrained by FTA policies on parking. There is no FTA requirement that existing parking spaces at a station be replaced on a one-to-one basis, says Jayme Blakesley. “If it can succeed with fewer parking spaces, that’s okay.”

• Consider leveraging money from a foundation. “These are hard times for transit agencies,” Jillian Detweiler says. “It’s difficult to take on additional responsibilities when you’re having a hard time providing transit.”

See the main article "How to team up to build around transit stations."

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