The 33rd annual Congress for the New Urbanism will explore national and international planning issues like housing and climate change through the lens of New England’s cities and towns.
Williamson and Dunham-Jones explain what's hot in reforming suburbs on CNU’s On the Park Bench.
Urbanists emphasize front-entry features like stoops and porches, which appear prominently in form-based codes—whereas they are less important or rarely mentioned in conventional zoning.
Urbanists place high importance on frontage ...
A profession that began by designing complete, traditional neighborhoods in the 19th Century, then soundly rejected that philosophy, has now returned to the walkable neighborhood model in this century.
The strategic plan for a commercial district with an international identity offers a new approach to suburban retrofit based on a string of parking lot transformations.
A few days of walking and observing reveal the benefits that endure over three centuries of great urban design.
Five scenarios that make street transformation possible
Why street design has not kept pace with automotive safety improvements, and what you can do about it.
Transit, TOD
Ten steps toward autonomous urbanism
Here's a playbook for municipal leaders and citizens on the road to smart city technology.
Better Cities & Towns Archive
The suburban community of Ladysmith, Virginia, has a
The suburban community of Ladysmith, Virginia, has a newly adopted master plan designed by Duany Plater-Zyberk. The plan for the 550-acre property...
URBANISM+2030, A collaboration for the climate
CNU Cascadia Chapter partnered with the Seattle 2030 District to identify opportunities and best practices for achieving low-carbon, resilient...
Traditional neighborhood developments reduce VMT
A series of similar studies in recent years have compared traditional neighborhood development (TND) to conventional suburban development (CSD) and...
Who says traditional design has to be expensive?
Who says traditional design has to be expensive? The Neighborhood Housing Development Corp. (NHDC) of Gainesville built homes designed by architect...
Great Ideas
Suburbia was a housing program
We used to understand that housing construction was in the public interest