'Dynamic parking' proposed for study in New Haven

Variably-priced parking, proposed by UCLA professor Donald Shoup, is being investigated by a "Parking Working Group" authorized by New Haven's Board of Aldermen.

 "Dynamic parking, invented by parking guru Shoup, refers to a system in which parking fees rise and fall according to demand," the New Haven Independent explained on April 8 after Alderman Justin Elicker suggested that the city establish an "On-Street Parking Working Group" to "explore how to maximize the City of New Haven's on-street parking assets." In an e-mail to his constitutents August 24, Elicker followed up by saying the Parking Working Group would soon hold its first meeting.

Over the course of a year, the group will "look at new technologies to increase parking availability and ways to adjust parking policies to foster economic development and improve quality of life," the Independent reported in its article, available here

"Currently, certain streets are sometimes filled with parked cars, while others are empty, Elicker said," as reported in the article. "Then it can be the opposite several hours later. Creative use of parking technologies can address that situation, Elicker said."

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