Driehaus Form-Based Code Awards announced for 2010

The Form-Based Codes Institute has announce the winners of the Driehaus Charitable Lead Trust Form-Based Codes Awards for 2010. The awards have been granted for the Denver Commons, the Heart of Peoria, and Miami 21 codes, each outstanding for different reasons. The awards will be presented to the recipients  at CNU 18 in Atlanta, Georgia, on May 20th, 2-5 pm.

The Denver Commons is a “legacy code”, where extensive on-the-ground results are evidence of the code’s ability to produce the initial vision for a former “brownfield” within the city center.
• This is a groundbreaking early form-based code with excellent built results.
• The visioning and intent statements were so fine they made a convincing case for public and private support of the code. Area by area, the intent was clearly outlined.
• The public realm requirements in the code were provided in great detail. A distinction was made between these required standards and additional guidelines on each subject.
• This code could be emulated at any scale.
• While this code was adopted as a PUD using “design guidelines” language, its essential elements could be replicated today as a form-based zoning district.
Click to download code PDFs:
Denver-Commons Images.pdf

The Heart of Peoria Form-Based Code Form-Districts incorporate a form-based code for specific areas with high potential for revitalization into a contemporaneous conventional zoning rewrite for the balance of the city.
• The entire city code was being updated in a conventional fashion while the form-based portions of the code were targeted to specific areas that offered great opportunities for revitalization. This is a helpful model for those with a misconception that a form-based code can only be undertaken citywide.
• The visioning process for the areas addressed by this code was the clear basis for the regulations that will implement those targeted visions.
• The street type organization of the code handles corner buildings particularly well.
Click to download code PDFs:
Peoria Form Districts- Article 6 of Land Dev Code.pdf
Peoria Land Development Code.pdf

In contrast, Miami 21 took on – and very successfully met – the challenge of a new code for the entire City of Miami, setting up walkable urbanism as the default setting for the entire city and offering a highly stream-lined approval process and timeframe for projects that conform to the code.
• This code is ground-breaking in that city officials completely replaced the existing zoning code.
• The code sets up walkable urbanism as the city-wide default pattern for development and redevelopment.
• Miami 21 is the most sophisticated application of the SmartCode to date. The entire document is very well thought out and written. The table of contents and structure are very clear.
• Restricted, limited and open categories affect density and use for each zone; there are essentially 18 carefully calibrated zones for the entire city.
• If an applicant complies with the regulations, the project is approved without layers of time-consuming and unpredictable discretionary reviews.
• Miami 21 has all the provisions that would be found in a typical zoning ordinance but goes further, addressing such important aspects as sustainability, view corridors, and solar access.  Preservation of historic districts is included. A public benefits program gives developers additional density for affordable housing, meeting green building standards, and a contribution is required to a trust fund for open space.
Click to download code PDFs:
Miami 21-AdoptedCode.pdf
Miami Atlas-AsAdopted.pdf

The 2010 Driehaus Form-Based Codes Award Jury Members were:
Daniel Parolek, Opticos Design, Jury Chair
Ben Bolgar, The Prince’s Foundation
Linda Pruitt, The Cottage Company
Kaizer Rangwala, Rangwala Associates
Bill Spikowski, Spikowski Planning Associates

For more information go to www.formbasedcodes.org or contact FBCI Executive Director Carol Wyant, (carol@formbasedcodes.org or 312.498.7166)

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