Workshop Recap: #EveryPlaceCounts Spokane Design Challenge, Day 1

"Highways: great for connecting cities...when they go through them it is damaging."

This week, USDOT and CNU kicked off the Ladders of Opportunity #EveryPlaceCounts Design Challenge in Spokane, WA. Led by national transportation and urban design experts, dozens of local officials, residents, and business owners gathered to build consensus and generate strategies for reconnecting neighborhoods impacted by highway infrastructure. According to the City of Spokane:

"The transcontinental I-90 was constructed through the heart of Spokane, dividing the working-class streetcar suburb of East Central. The City anticipates that the technical assistance will serve as an integrator to bring together those affected by the existing I-90 corridor with partners that are committed to creating solutions through a collaborative process to further identify opportunities to maximize connectivity from the new projects currently underway while minimizing transportation infrastructure barriers."

Here are some of the best highlights, insights, and moments from the first day of work:
