#EveryPlaceCounts Continues in Nashville, TN
Today, the USDOT #EveryPlaceCounts Design Challenge begins its second workshop in Nashville, TN. Created as part of the Secretary's Ladders of Opportunity program, the #EveryPlaceCounts challenge helps envision new locally-drivensolutions for reconnecting neighborhoods split by highways and infrastructure. CNU will be on-site providing design assistance for all four workshops.
Over two days in Nashville, federal and state transportation officials will meet with local residents and stakeholders in communities along Jefferson Street and Interstate 40 to generate strategies for improving health, mobility, and opportunity, which were severely impacted by the highway's path. According to Nashville Mayor Megan Barry:
"Nashville’s I-40 was built through several predominantly African American, middle class neighborhoods in the 1960s, displacing residents and dividing a thriving community. Nashville plans to utilize well-established community partnership networks, gather input from community residents and business owners, host design sessions, synthesize ideas, post the results of the design sessions, and pursue implementation funds through its two-day design session."
For more information, case studies and schedules are available at CNU.org/EveryPlaceCounts. Final reports and materials from the workshops will be posted on cnu.org throughout the summer.
Want to get involved? All three remaining workshops (Nashville, TN, Philadelphia, PA, and St. Paul, MN) are open to volunteers for technical and design support. For more information, check out the USDOT Every Place Counts Design Challenge page and follow #EveryPlaceCounts on Twitter and Facebook.