Workshop Recap: #EveryPlaceCounts Nashville Design Challenge, Day 1

"In Nashville, design experts and community residents are working together on highway solutions."

This week, USDOT and CNU continues the #EveryPlaceCounts Design Challenge in Nashville, TN as part of the Secretary's Ladders of Opportunity initiative. Led by national transportation and urban design experts, dozens of local officials, residents, and business owners gathered to build consensus and generate strategies for reconnecting neighborhoods impacted by highway infrastructure. According to the City of Nashville:

"Nashville’s I-40 was built through several predominantly African American, middle class neighborhoods in the 1960s, displacing residents and dividing a thriving community. Nashville plans to utilize well-established community partnership networks, gather input from community residents and business owners, host design sessions, synthesize ideas, post the results of the design sessions, and pursue implementation funds through its two-day design session."

Here are the highlights and insights from the first day of work:
