Plan by Tom Low
Drawing is worth a thousand words
TOM LOW    JUN. 28, 2019
Nuanced pencil drawings help to graphically explain how a design works holistically. Drawing by hand can be more informative on the design intent and typically elevates the design quality. Hand drawing can even be therapeutic for the designer and the observer. Here is a master plan detail and section detail pencil sketch for a new urban village.
Notice how the hand drawing:
- Analyzes topography and grading lines to protect and enhance the natural drainage systems and green spaces;
- Arranges parking spaces in courts and parked streets with specific pervious paving avoiding the default to large impervious parking lots;
- Identifies significant trees for preservation aligned with new trees assuring a full tree canopy at build-out;
- Arranges incremental building types and units to demonstrating an efficient and robust development program;
- Accommodates porches and balconies along frontages as essential elements to a successful urban ensemble and great public realm, and
- Locates wetlands with buffers, and designs a Light Imprint water management treatment system that is ecological, economical, and beautiful.
The time it takes to render each essential ingredient allows for contemplation on its potential value and success. A hand drawn sketch once established becomes a baseline guide for the advancement and implementation of better communities. Hand drawing is truly the art of town planning.