The impact of in-city highways
Dhiru Thadani drew the above cartoon image on the impact of in-city highways, which is a timely topic this week. On Tuesday, June 1, CNU is set to release its biennial report Freeways Without Futures, offering a list of 15 highways most in need of transformation nationwide. In-city freeway teardowns are gaining a lot of attention lately. The New York Times published an in-depth article this week on the subject.
“In a wide-reaching infrastructure plan released at the end of March, President Biden proposed spending $20 billion to help reconnect neighborhoods divided by highways. Congressional Democrats have translated the proposal into legislation that would provide funding over the next five years,” says the Times. “And the Department of Transportation opened up separate grants that could help some cities get started.”
Note: Sign CNU's on-line petition to support a federal highways-to-boulevards program.