CNU 24 Daily Wrap-Up for Tuesday, June 7
Today, CNU 24 officially begins in Detroit, MI. Thousands of New Urbanists have traveled by plane, train, bus, bike, and foot from across the world for a Congress experience built right into the heart of Motor City, USA. Every day this week, here at Public Square: A CNU Journal, we'll collect the highlights of our annual Congress, as seen through the eyes of those thousands.
Here's the #CNU24 Daily Wrap-up for Tuesday, June 7 — a day of departures, arrivals, boot camps, bike rides, and clips from the inflight magazine. Take a look:
That time of year again! Headed to #CNU24, or what I affectionately call "band camp for urbanists." Follow the hashtag to join the debate.
— Mike Lydon (@MikeLydon) June 7, 2016
First stop on #CNU24 #DTWtoGRR #WestMichiganUrbanismTour #Celadon pic.twitter.com/dGGvQ024q0
— Mark F. Miller (@MarkFMillerGR) June 7, 2016
Art & texture landscape bring heart & soul to mixed-use Celadon New Town project in #GrandRapids #CNU24 @DPGilmartin pic.twitter.com/vElEal3Ld1
— Matt Bach (@mattbach) June 7, 2016
Hate to leave #MMT to #CNU24 a day early, but @andres_duany and I have meeting w/leaders of an industry that could lead to great things
— Steve Mouzon (@stevemouzon) June 7, 2016
Monte Anderson talking farmer mindset when developing his neighborhood. Get your hustle on!#cnu24 #theaterofcool pic.twitter.com/HoBhQZsPME
— Daniel Hintz (@DowntownDaniel) June 7, 2016
Eating lunch. Drinking beer. #CNU24 #HarmonyHall #GrandRapids #DTWtoGRR pic.twitter.com/13enwFKeNq
— Mark F. Miller (@MarkFMillerGR) June 7, 2016
Rockford Construction in @CityGrandRapids big believer in #placemaking & #community #CNU24 GR tour. pic.twitter.com/wfWzwgi0I6
— The League (@MMLeague) June 7, 2016
Traveling to #cnu24 and reading about placemaking in @SouthwestAir inflight mag. pic.twitter.com/E8irnnuk83
— William Zeh Herbig (@William_Herbig) June 7, 2016
Crossing the Grand River #GRMI #DTWtoGRR #CNU24 pic.twitter.com/XQh8q8uXyw
— Mark F. Miller (@MarkFMillerGR) June 7, 2016
Follow @DowntownDaniel this week for #CNU24 tweets #dnaofplace @NewUrbanism @cnunextgen @cnupublicsquare pic.twitter.com/3pCKRwq2hi
— Aron Shelton (@Skelt) June 7, 2016
The Historic Gem Theatre, one of #Detroit's many venues hosting the @NewUrbanism Conference this week! #CNU24 pic.twitter.com/6JnkrqJCCu
— Smart Growth Online (@smartgrowthorg) June 7, 2016
John Anderson, David Kim, Jim Kumon and Gracen Johnson explain zoning to #smalldeveloperbootcamp before #CNU24 pic.twitter.com/6ly6Wp7SGI
— urban advisors ltd (@urbanadvisors) June 7, 2016
“Art of the New Urbanism” runs all this week in Detroit at #CNU24! pic.twitter.com/rbj8nG0uKF
— NewUrbanism (@NewUrbanism) June 7, 2016
Pre #CNU24 Epic Ride has begun! 1st up, inspecting Detroit Riverwalk #activetowns @CNUFL @johnsimmerman @DoverKohl pic.twitter.com/eDeJxd6g94
— Victor Brandon Dover (@VictorDover) June 7, 2016
#CNU24 DTWtoGRR #Tapestry Square #westmichiganurbanism pic.twitter.com/4PZdKNlO4i
— Mark F. Miller (@MarkFMillerGR) June 7, 2016
Incremental developer bootcamp. Packed house. #cnu24 begins. @rjohnanderson pic.twitter.com/ed0PIJNRx8
— Lynn Richards (@lrichardsCNU) June 7, 2016
Hello, #Detroit and #CNU24 :-) pic.twitter.com/FJMItLZhzs
— Sean D. Sweat (@PhxDowntowner) June 7, 2016
Nice @NewUrbanism #CNU24 logo @johnsimmerman - Way to represent #EpicRide pic.twitter.com/U0sKcrLphK
— Victor Brandon Dover (@VictorDover) June 7, 2016
A beautiful Detroit evening. Wish you were here. Maybe you are! #CNU24 pic.twitter.com/AWb0OyTTB3
— NewUrbanism (@NewUrbanism) June 7, 2016
I have arrived! :) #CNU24 @NewUrbanism @cnunextgen pic.twitter.com/fdJ8JKyvAr
— Mike Christensen (@MRC_SLC) June 7, 2016
Enjoying "an evening in paradise" with live music in downtown Detroit. Tomorrow starts the #CNU24 conference. pic.twitter.com/XWH2swif5c
— Brian Crimmins (@BrianCrimmins) June 7, 2016
#CNU24 "the reason you go to APA and ULI is so that you remember why you go to #cnu" -Andres Duany from CNU 21
— Catherine Hartley (@mschartley) June 7, 2016
#CNU24 Epic Ride cont'd - The Dequindre Cut greenway is more than a bike route-- it's an #ActiveTowns wellness asset pic.twitter.com/3oCwQMpmjH
— Victor Brandon Dover (@VictorDover) June 7, 2016
Detroit Cycle Chic #cnu24 pic.twitter.com/tpnOL2b4Hw
— Eliza Harris Juliano (@myurbangen) June 7, 2016
#CNU24 Dougs Kelbaugh & Farr swapping battle stories of the past 23 CNUs. @farrside @lrichardsCNU @NewUrbanism pic.twitter.com/GhVb65fcKQ
— Adam A Cook (@fewlittleplans) June 7, 2016
Every sign tells a story #CNU24 pic.twitter.com/6ymvAHh8RM
— CNU Central Texas (@CNU_CTX) June 7, 2016
En route to #cnu24 in Detroit. Can’t to explore that city with fellow urbanists.
— Tyson McShane (@TysonMcShane) June 7, 2016
The first of many snaps from downtown Detroit for #CNU24 pic.twitter.com/3L6fIRQmKn
— Milton Friesen (@IngenuityArts) June 8, 2016
Arrived! #CNU24 #Detroit pic.twitter.com/IoITr04GiV
— Katie Bannon (@kjbannon) June 8, 2016
As @MikeLydon calls it, band camp for urbanists! #CNU24 pic.twitter.com/cKJ4Pf49kF
— Dan Majewski (@dan_majewski) June 8, 2016
Will always be the Motor City but other modes are gathering steam #CNU24 pic.twitter.com/2DRbi5d8jG
— Adam A Cook (@fewlittleplans) June 8, 2016
In stark contrast, I recommend walking in Rivertown. #Detroit #CNU24 pic.twitter.com/W7mncY7hG2
— Mike Lydon (@MikeLydon) June 8, 2016
Crossing the Grand River at Paris, Ontario, en route to #cnu24. We'll see how well the Windsor-Detroit bus works. pic.twitter.com/EaO0OXVN09
— Jason Haremza (@JasonHaremza) June 8, 2016
Can't wait to get me to #Detroit tomorrow for #CNU24. Listen up, @newurbanism fans, I'm giving a free public lecture @ 4 PM. Open to all.
— Jeff Speck (@JeffSpeckAICP) June 8, 2016
Comeback City: #CNU24 in #Detroit https://t.co/IN3BxWNwAo pic.twitter.com/BKV7SpKD48
— Strong Towns (@StrongTowns) June 8, 2016
Every blank wall is a canvass in Detroit. #CNU24 pic.twitter.com/FjML1Lt5ml
— CNU Central Texas (@CNU_CTX) June 8, 2016
We are ready and excited! See you all tomorrow. #CNU24 pic.twitter.com/hDsbfyWWTS
— TPUDC (@TPUDC) June 8, 2016