Extending design excellence in a historic city
A large-scale development raises the bar for new design in Charleston, while re-connecting neighborhoods and anchoring a 1.6-mile-long linear park.
Saving the culture of one of China’s oldest settlements
A master plan for Shanghai's oldest district prioritizes preservation while allowing for strategic development.
Four decades of influential, incremental urbanism
Seaside’s influence on urban redevelopment is profound—it initiated a re-evaluation of the the civic realm in planning and city building. Lessons learned at Seaside have been applied in the revival, redevelopment, and restoration of existing communities.
Powerful public space to knit Chicago’s South Side
A new vision for Chicago's grandest boulevard connects two neighborhoods and provides a setting for 4,200 new housing units.
Public space is downtown gateway
A "pop up" park has evolved into a major downtown Detroit square that is anchoring a neighborhood revitalization.
Citizen revolt preserves 2,000-year-old waterway
Score one for historic preservation when a canal in use for two millennia was saved from being filled in to create a road and instead planned as a unique public space.