
Welcome to the archives of Better Cities & Towns, a publication founded by Robert Steuteville as New Urban News in 1996. This archive holds two decades of the best news and analysis on compact, mixed-use growth and development, from 1996 to 2015.
Elizabeth Plater-Zyberk, dean of the University of Miami School of Architecture, has been appointed to the US Commission of Fine Arts for four years by President George Bush.
Eco-urban legends will connect past and future of sustainable communities, while transportation summit will explore need for networks
Many lots in old neighborhoods in Kansas City, Kansas, are just 25 feet wide, which is generally too narrow to satisfy current minimum standards for the construction of new houses. Consequently, 180 Degree Urban Design + Architecture has produced a...
The Routledge publishing house this spring launched the Journal of Urbanism: International Research on Placemaking and Urban Sustainability. The multidisciplinary, international journal will be distributed three times a year both in print and online...
“Light Imprint New Urbanism,” an environmentally sensitive approach to planning, has won Duany Plater-Zyberk & Co. a Green Innovation Award from the Charlotte (North Carolina) Business Journal and the Charlotte Chapter of the US Green Building...
Dover Kohl led a charrette in November, 2007, to design Long Savannah in Charleston, South Carolina — a new town with close to 3,000 acres, according to James Dougherty of Dover Kohl. The development will include an 1,800-acre open space buffer, a...
Jennifer Henry, director of the LEED-Neighborhood Development program for the US Green Building Council, is leaving that organization at the end of June. She is moving to Chicago, where she will become real estate sector manager for the Natural...
A $100 million fund that will invest in urban mixed-income housing developments was announced in late April by its two partners — Goldman Sachs Urban Investment Group and L&M Development Partners. The fund, GSLM Capital Partners LLC, expects to...
Paul Crawford, a nationally known expert on form-based codes and a practitioner admired among new urbanists, died of a brain tumor May 21 at his home in San Luis Obispo, California. He was 60.
The case for developing in more compact ways — and thus reducing global warming — is made with dozens of color graphs and tables in Growing Cooler, a new book published by the Urban Land Institute. The 170-page, $39.95 hardcover explores climate-and...
Baxter Village, a 1,033-acre traditional neighborhood development in Fort Mill, South Carolina, recorded its 1,000th home sale this May, nine years after the first house was sold. The final 400 lots are under development or planned, leading the...
Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) systems encourage transit-oriented development (TOD), a new study for the Bus Rapid Transit Policy Center suggests. The Center’s newsletter, Transport Innovator, reported in its March-April issue on a draft study of TOD in...