
Welcome to the archives of Better Cities & Towns, a publication founded by Robert Steuteville as New Urban News in 1996. This archive holds two decades of the best news and analysis on compact, mixed-use growth and development, from 1996 to 2015.
An organization called “The Students for the New Urbanism at the University of Miami” (SNU Miami) has been formed, with Juan Muller [should be “Mullerat”] as president. The group expects to produce a publication that will be distributed in January...
The Atlanta Regional Commission has allocated $252 million of mainly federal funds toward establishment of a transit line and a linear park on existing railroad rights-of-way that ring Atlanta’s downtown, Midtown, and intown neighborhoods. The...
Leaders in San Jose, California, have begun what could be a momentous overhaul of development policies governing more than a third of the land in the 926,000-population city. The city’s plans could add 70,000 units of housing and increase the city’s...
Two CNU Task Forces have new co-chairs. Lucy Rowland will co-chair the Educators Task Force, and Kevin Hardman will co-chair the Downtown/Infill Task Force. Head of science collections and research facilities at the University of Georgia Libraries,...
A Leon Krier tower, depicted below, is planned to stand at the center of Seaside, Florida. Significant parts of the town center are being redesigned by architect Daniel Parolek of Opticos Design. Look for an article in the March issue of New Urban...
Attorneys Doris Goldstein of Jacksonville and Dan Slone of Richmond — with David B. Wolfe, an old hand at community association management — are involved in a new initiative aimed at improving the workings of homeowners’ associations (HOAs). “Most...
Sales at Baldwin Park in Orlando, Florida, have continued at a torrid pace. Absorption has averaged 700 units per year, according to a report in Land Development magazine. The project, which began sales in 2002 and opened model homes in April of...
Can Hagerstown and other cities just beyond the sprawl of the Washington-Baltimore metropolitan area be strengthened through renovation of their centers and by compact new development? That’s the question that drives Alan Feinberg and Nick Pittas....
James Urban, principal of Urban Trees & Soils in Annapolis, has compiled 10 strategies, of three different kinds, for successful development of trees in cities.
Due to a disagreement over equity financing levels, the City of Lenexa, Kansas, broke off its three-year partnership with the Haile Group, a new urbanist developer based in Gainesville, Florida. The Haile Group drew up plans for, and was planning to...
Publisher Diane Dorney has changed the name of The Town Paper to New Towns and has added critiques of new urban neighborhoods, written by Laurence Aurbach. Aurbach devised a rating system based on 11 factors: housing diversity, mixed uses,...
Gooding’s corner grocery store in Celebration, Florida, closed, as many residents feared, when a new, larger Gooding’s opened near the highway. However, a new market/bakery is scheduled to open in the same 5,000 sq. ft. space in January 2005,...