
Welcome to the archives of Better Cities & Towns, a publication founded by Robert Steuteville as New Urban News in 1996. This archive holds two decades of the best news and analysis on compact, mixed-use growth and development, from 1996 to 2015.
Sustainable Street Network Principles prescribes an alternative approach to street design that prioritizes pedestrian mobility and safety over the needs of automobile drivers.
A recently formed coalition, Livability Solutions, has received a grant from the US Environmental Protection Agency that will help it give technical assistance to communities that face common development problems such as outdated zoning codes and a...
The Alliance for Biking & Walking and the Street Plans Collaborative have established a website,, to showcase “open streets” initiatives throughout North America.
The Village of Providence in Huntsville, Alabama, continues development despite the severe real estate downturn.
A new 429-page paperback, The Built Environment and Public Health, by Russell P. Lopez, tells how community design and other facets of the built environment affect people’s health. The book, organized primarily with students in mind, points out that...
Although Maryland established Priority Funding Areas (PFAs) to channel investment into areas most in need of redevelopment, a recent survey suggests that PFAs are more of a hinderance than an incentive.
The overall trend is toward a more place-based, character-based legal environment, according to one of the authors of the Codes Study.
Practitioners offer some helpful strategies for promoting transit oriented development in local communities.
A Connecticut official tells how economic innovation and transit-oriented development can work together.
Podcaster Duncan Crary reflects on the time he spent interviewing James Howard Kunstler.