
Welcome to the archives of Better Cities & Towns, a publication founded by Robert Steuteville as New Urban News in 1996. This archive holds two decades of the best news and analysis on compact, mixed-use growth and development, from 1996 to 2015.
A review of Sprawl, Justice, and Citizenship: The Civic Costs of the American Way of Life. A book by Thad Williamson. Oxford University Press, 2010, 416 pp., $35 hardcover
A drawing by architect Dhiru Thadani, inspired by the Charles Waldheim/Andres Duany dialog in Madison, Wisconsin, June 4.
Elevated walkways are coming down and public spaces are being rethought as the business district tries to nurture downtown living.
Jane Jacobs, new urbanists, and observational urbanism
Vancouver, Canada, intends to fill much of a transit corridor from downtown to the airport with buildings mostly four to 12 stories high.
Review of In-laws, Outlaws, and Granny Flats: Your Guide for Turning One House into Two Homes. A book by Michael Litchfield. Taunton Press, 2011, 224 pp., $24.95 paperback
Triumph of the City author, Edward Glaeser, addresses CNU 19.
Transportation for America released on May 24 an updated and comprehensive report on pedestrian deaths.
Most of the new HOPE VI developments will end up with more public housing units than they had prior to demolition. 
King Farm, an award-winning TOD in Rockville, Maryland, will likely get light-rail at some time in the future after the state reaffirmed the alignment of transit corridor.
Straightforward articles on New Urbanism in the architectural press have been few and far between — so when one is published this qualifies as a story.
The character of US suburbs is changing and becoming poorer — especially in the Midwest, but also significantly in the Northeast and South.