
Welcome to the archives of Better Cities & Towns, a publication founded by Robert Steuteville as New Urban News in 1996. This archive holds two decades of the best news and analysis on compact, mixed-use growth and development, from 1996 to 2015.
In the 1960s misguided officials reamed a neighborhood in Portland, Maine,
HUD will use “location efficiency” as a criterion for awarding billions of dollars in government grants.
Development is shifting to cities more strongly than most Americans realize, a new book asserts.
In all, 238 projects in the US, Canada, and overseas participated in the pilot program.
The City of Miami implemented Miami 21 — a development code based on the SmartCode —  after six months of preparations and behind-the-scenes efforts.
With real-time transit information and easy access to hourly vehicle rentals, cities can shed some cars.
The Ford Foundation in May unveiled a $200 million program designed to change the way that cities, suburbs, and surrounding communities plan for the future.
Fund adopts a four-year strategy that will devote approximately half of its grant resources to “sustainable urban development” initiatives.
Chapter 11 reorganization plan approved for Looney Ricks Kiss Architects; LRK Inc. is established.
What do you do with a town center site when you’re not ready to erect permanent buildings on it?  Developer Tom Weigel has an unusual answer.