South Miami, Florida, has completely transformed since 2000—largely following the context-sensitive transformation of its main street.

Why street design has not kept pace with automotive safety improvements, and what you can do about it.

“The pattern of post-World War II development I witnessed in Orange County struck me as fundamentally wrong-headed. But others appeared to accept it as inevitable and somehow normal.”

The great Yale lecturer had an impact on movements that are changing the face of communities in the US and beyond.

A breakthrough design on La Jolla Boulevard in San Diego cuts crashes by 90 percent and gives local business a shot in the arm.

A tour through the historic area of Savannah, Georgia, yields boundless examples of how to build great places.

The primary task for autonomous vehicles is placemaking, not engineering. If new urbanists don't create a vision for how AVs can support neighborhood life, nobody will.

Cities around the globe wrestle with how to reconcile local vernacular, technological change, and economic growth.

In Boston, a Transportation Department guide lays out a vision for streets as shared public spaces.