Marsha Garcia
Marsha Garcia is the Director of Education and Training for the Congress of the New Urbanism and is responsible for developing and delivering tools and education outreach materials to support existing members, and grow the next generation of new urban designers and leaders. Prior to CNU Marsha was the University of Rhode Island’s first Campus Sustainability Officer where she created and instituted outreach and engagement initiatives related to sustainability at the University; a role she served for over 12 years. Before her arrival on campus, she held various positions in the environmental field in the Washington, DC, area. She was the manager of the American Institute of Architects (AIA) Community by Design's Sustainability Design and Assessment Teams programs, a position she held after initially managing the education and outreach programs for the AIA Knowledge Communities including the Committee on the Environment, Building Science & Performance Committee, and the Design-Build Community. She came to AIA after working for the U.S. Green Building Council's (USGBC) as an assistant manager jump starting the LEED Education Programs in 2001 at its national headquarters. Previous to USGBC she coordinated programs at the National Wildlife Federation in Virginia. Marsha obtained a Master of Science in environmental sciences and policy, with a focus on environmental planning, from the Johns Hopkins University in Maryland, and a Bachelor’s degree from Drew University in New Jersey. She lives just outside Philadelphia, PA, with her husband, daughter, and two dogs, where they enjoy the many hiking trails, green spaces, and cultural opportunities the area has to offer.