Architecture & the City, part polemic and part auto-biography, makes the case for how architecture should be taught and the city planned to address some of the world's biggest challenges—by learning from the past.
Sustaining culture and character is more than a black or white proposition. It requires a careful blend that depends on local circumstances, meticulous research, and self-knowledge.
CNU is now seeking applications for the 2021 Charter Awards. Going back to 2001, the Charter Awards have highlighted best practices and spread New Urbanism ideas worldwide. More than 300 Charter Awards have been awarded by CNU juries over the last...
Urbanists have been using the Transect to compete with the protocols of sprawl for years, and no book has been written on it—until now.
I recently read The Devil in the White City, about the Chicago 1893 World’s Fair. One place that I would like to go back in time to see, just for a day, would be this event. They say that some visitors would break down weeping upon entering the...
The organic character of historic cities may take centuries to evolve, but humans are also capable of dynamic change and innovative adaptation—all reflected in evolving communities.
Space & Anti-Space: The Fabric of Place, City, and Architecture, a new book by Peterson and Littenberg, should be studied by anyone who loves architecture and the city.
House-scale buildings with more than one living space can affordably shelter a broad range of families, revitalize communities, and profit builders throughout the 2020s and 2030s.
If we acknowledge the value of civic art, we should consider that civic art, like human beings, should be held accountable and be afforded the opportunity, where necessary, to “mature” in the context of civil engagement.
A CNU Athena Medal winner in 2007, David Lewis died last week at the age of 98. Lewis founded Urban Design Associates (UDA) in Pittsburgh with former student Ray Gindroz in 1964, a firm that pioneered concepts that later became known as New Urbanism...
The 20th anniversary of the CNU Charter Awards was celebrated at CNU 28.A Virtual Gathering, with the presentation of the 2020 awards. Check out all of the projects in addition to a history of the awards.
The cutting edge design for Clematis Street in West Palm Beach contributes to outdoor seating and programming for the tricky re-opening and post-pandemic recovery.