
We have a unique opportunity to rethink what it means to create shared spaces. By reimagining downtowns, expanding parks, and supporting hybrid third places, we can design environments that heal, connect, and inspire.
Governments, business groups, community development corporations, foundations, and designers need to recognize church closures for the urban planning and development crisis they are.
Communities must support the policies and lead the discussion of solutions for transforming LA’s sprawl for high-level ideas to become a successful reality.
Winthrop Family Historical Garden redesigns an underutilized green space as a beautiful garden and public gathering spot in Chicago, Illinois. MKSK won a 2024 CNU Charter Award in the Block, Street, and Building category.
As the problem of loneliness grows, urbanists and planners may successfully design for social interaction in three broad ways.
A new town in Alabama is a model for how community planning and institutions can connect people.
A new urbanist development named after a literary hometown focuses on the arts and much-needed public space.
The author of Fragile Neighborhoods urges urban planners to take on a vital domestic challenge: Help restore the social function of neighborhoods.
The porch is more than just another single-family architectural feature, it's an important part of the culture of Black neighborhoods.
CNU and affiliated designers work with a community to identify implementation solutions for a disinvested urban corridor west of Charlotte’s Center City.
On the Park Bench explores mixed-use, neighborhood-scale development projects for faith communities in Charlotte, North Carolina, and Pike Road, Alabama.
Parishioners of a historic church in Detroit want to develop eight vacant blocks with missing middle housing to build a church-centered community.