Tactical urbanism

The strategic plan for a commercial district with an international identity offers a new approach to suburban retrofit based on a string of parking lot transformations.
Setting the stage for, and learning from Tactical Urbanism.
A 1.3-mile suburban arterial was quickly modified to take space from automobile travel and give it to transit, biking, and walking.
The diverse Global District is the focus of a tactical event and long-term planning to promote main street character in a sector of strip malls and arterial roads.
One clear lesson from the pandemic: Experimentation with streets may yield tremendous benefits with less downside than previously thought.
The urban planning response to Covid in Norfolk, Virginia, was imaginative and comprehensive. Work Program Architects, Yard & Co, and Team Better Block won a merit award in The Region: Metropolis, City, and Town category of CNU's 2021 Charter...
For about a quarter of typical road diet costs, semi-permanent street transformations have been successfully demonstrated in two cities.
The City of Burlington, Vermont, has initiated an innovative, flexible streetscape improvement program that saves money and time and is more responsive to the community.
Tactical Urbanism transformed one of the most automobile-oriened thouroughfares in Miami—and street life surged.
Nashville uses Tactical Urbanism to test out ideas on public space and street improvements downtown.