Creating 'hipsturbia' in the suburbs: NYT

Many real estate professionals are confident that Millennials will eventually leave the hip, urban neighborhoods for the back yard and dog of the suburbs — especially when they start raising a family. The catch: They appear seeking out the urban niches in the suburbs. As Brooklyn bohemians reach parenting age, some are moving to the suburbs and bringing a little of their borough with them, says The New York Times. "To ward off the nagging sense that a move to the suburbs is tantamount to becoming like one’s parents, this urban-zen generation is seeking out palatable alternatives — culturally attuned, sprawl-free New York river towns," like Hastings-on-Hudson, the paper reports. "These pedestrian-friendly towns, filled with low-rise 19th century brick buildings and non-chain shops, offer a version of village-style living that Jane Jacobs, the Greenwich Village urbanist, would have approved of."

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• Get New Urbanism: Best Practices Guide, packed with more than 800 informative photos, plans, tables, and other illustrations, this book is the best single guide to implementing better cities and towns.

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