Glenwood Park successful, AJC says

Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported April 22 that the redevelopment of a 28-acre former industrial site into the Glenwood Park neighborhood has been largely successful. For being new, it feels old-fashioned, says resident Abbie Gulson, in a “Can you take the kids?” and “Can I borrow a cup of sugar?” way, and for the less-affluent neighborhoods nearby, it has meant less crime and more accessible businesses.

One part that has taken longer to succeed: the retail.

“A gym, coffee shop, dry cleaner, and some restaurants have lasted, but some businesses, including a boutique, spa and pizza spot, have shut down,” according the Journal-Constitution. “Stuart Meddin, a Glenwood Park investor and president of the company that handles the retail leasing, said it is in talks with several businesses, including one that residents most request: a neighborhood market. Meddin said he’s willing to wait for the right tenants.

“But without a dense population, long-established businesses to draw a crowd or a main artery to increase visibility, it’s tough to stay in business.”

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