Live from the Left Coast

CNU’s resident Planning Director Heather Smith, along with CNU Board member Norman Garrick, joined a coterie of Smart Growth-focused minds in Los Angeles this March to discuss and develop a “master blueprint” for the streets of Los Angeles County. The meeting, led by CNU member Ryan Snyder of Ryan Snyder Associates LLC (RSA), convened to write a Model Streets Manual that will help foster the growth and development of healthy and safe communities all across Los Angeles County.   

Alongside Snyder, Smith, and Garrick were thought-leaders such as walkability expert Dan Burden, CNU member Art Cueto, and former CNU staffer Ellen Greenberg. A number of organizations, including AARP, Smart Growth America, Institute of Transportation Engineers, the National Complete Streets Coalition, had representatives on hand to help produce the manual.

Mood shift

Commenting on the feelings of citizens towards the incorporation of such a plan, Garrick stated, “The mood of the general public is definitely all about creating great public realms, and there is a great enthusiasm for that. With $4 gas prices and the mayor pushing for more transit, as well as SB375 (a state bill regarding greenhouse gas emission reduction targets for passenger vehicles), there is statewide recognition that we have to do things differently. It will still be a battle to get things entirely right, but there are signs of important changes. Wilshire Boulevard is booming due to the BRT (Bus Rapid Transit), and downtown is slowly coming to life with more people living here and starting to use the streets 24/7. We’ve also heard a lot about a diversity of users on the subway system. There’s also a lot of buzz about Long Beach and their new bike efforts.”

With Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa’s 30/10 plan for expanding LA’s transit network also proceeding, Los Angeles is positioning itself as an emerging leader in creating a more sustainable and manageable public realm.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Dolores ipsam aliquid recusandae quod quaerat repellendus numquam obcaecati labore iste praesentium.
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