A recipe for great neighborhoods
Made for Walking by Julie Campoli offers a recipe for creating great urbanism in the 21st Century. Take a neighborhood with good bones and historic buildings. Fill in the gaps with New Urbanism and contextual infill development. Reinforce the good urban form and eliminate the gaps in the urban fabric. Provide a strong mix of uses and many ways to get around (walking, transit, bicycling, in addition to cars). Mix in appropriately scaled, well-designed public spaces and green spaces. The result is a dynamic neighborhood that will draw new residents, businesses, and visitors and generate culture and economic activity. This is doable even in small cities like Columbus, Ohio. Made for Walking zeroes in on the real action in North American real estate. The dozen case studies are among hundreds of such neighborhoods scattered throughout nearly every metro area in the US and Canada. See the entire review of Made for Walking in the January-February issue of Better! Cities & Towns.