Residents near mass transit live healthier, longer lives, study finds

A report released by the American Public Transportation Association concludes that people who live in communities with high-quality public transportation exercise more, live longer, and are generally healthier.

"Evaluating Public Transportation Health Benefits," a study conducted for APTA by Todd Litman of the Victoria Transport Policy Institute, aggregates the findings of several recent studies, and concludes that transit-oriented, smart growth communities are better for people's health.

"People who live or work in communities with high quality public transportation tend to drive significantly less and rely more on alternative modes (walking, cycling and public transit) than they would in more automobile-oriented areas," Litman states. "This reduces traffic crashes and pollution emissions, increases physical fitness and mental health, and provides access to medical care and healthy food."

The analysis indicates that "improving public transit can be one of the most effective ways to achieve public health objectives." The report, which APTA summarizes here, says transportation activity "plays a role in lessening an idividual's risk in five of the 10 leading causes of reduced lifespan." Litman points out that the 10 US counties with the "smartest," most transit-oriented patterns suffer only about one-fourth the traffic fatality rates as the counties with the most sprawling development.

Litman's findings are consistent with research by Dr. John M. MacDonald of the University of Pennsylvania, summarized here, showing that when individuals quit driving to work and instead ride a rail line, they walk more and therefore lose weight.


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