The suburban community of Ladysmith, Virginia, has a
The suburban community of Ladysmith, Virginia, has a newly adopted master plan designed by Duany Plater-Zyberk. The plan for the 550-acre property includes 150,000 square feet of commercial space and four neighborhoods totaling 2,850 units including 450 apartments, 300 townhomes and 2,100 single family homes. Twenty acres are set aside for a YMCA and 20 acres for a school.
The first neighborhood will be a short walk from the future downtown and will itself include retail, office space, and a 5,000 sq. ft. public library. The neighborhood incorporates a mix of housing types and price ranges, with affordable housing facing pedestrian mews and courts internal to the block. The network of streets generally runs parallel and perpendicular to the slope and includes connections to the downtown and other future neighborhoods. Groundbreaking is expected in early summer, 2003, and finished lots are to be ready for sale by this fall.