URBANISM+2030, A collaboration for the climate
In March 2012, CNU Cascadia Chapter partnered with the Seattle 2030 District in a half-day workshop, which included about 30 participants from across the region to identify opportunities and best practices for achieving low-carbon, resilient communities in existing neighborhoods. The workshop discussed perspectives on development, policy, and design in 2030 Districts, which are neighborhoods that commit to meet sustainability goals.
At the time of the workshop, CNU Cascadia Chapter was helmed by Erin Chistensen, an architect and urban designer at Mithun and a recently elected CNU board member. Erin forged a collaboration between CNU and Architecture 2030 at the workshop to help expand the effort nationally.
Erin Christensen
In a recent interview with CNU, Erin explained the effort more fully: “The name URBANISM + 2030 represents a collaboration between CNU and Architecture 2030. Initially, Architecture 2030 began as a nonprofit focused on reducing greenhouse gas emission from buildings, but has since broadened its focus to neighborhood issues like transportation and water that also have significant impact on the environment. The goal is now for an entire neighborhood to become carbon neutral, which is the focus of the 2030 Challenge. This is strongly aligned with CNU’s Charter to restore existing urban centers and towns, reconfigure sprawling suburbs into communities, and preserve natural environments.”
Though still nascent, this collaboration is already thinking long-term, looking to work with an assemblage of experts “to pilot a professional education series, which would ideally be located in a city with both a committed 2030 District and a CNU chapter,” says Erin. But in the interim, the focus is on drumming up interest and building out an advisory group. “We want to get in the habit of asking ourselves: How can we change what we’re doing in our daily process as professionals to reach these goals?”
With one report putting global CO2 levels at or near 400 parts per million, larger-scale strategies like Urbanism + 2030 are increasingly necessary. While climate change may appear overwhelming, Erin find it useful to remind herself everyday: “How do we make the change we want to see?”
Stay tuned to cnu.org for more information about Urbanism+2030.
Provided to Better! Cities & Towns courtesy of the Congress for the New Urbanism, The Marquette Building, 140 S. Dearborn, Ste. 404, Chicago, IL 60603. 312/551-7300; fax: 312/346-3323. www.cnu.org, cnuinfo@cnu.org