The value of urban trees

Pittsburgh has developed software to calculate the value of street trees, and found that it gets far more benefit than it spends, according to Next City. "Pittsburgh found that the city’s street trees — strictly those planted in sidewalks and medians — provided $2.4 million worth of environmental and aesthetic value every year... Given the city’s annual expenditures of $850,000 on street tree planting and maintenance, Tree Pittsburgh concluded that the city received $3 in benefits for every dollar it invested in street trees." Trees filter air and water, sequester carbon, offer habitat and shade, reduce the urban heat-island effect, boost property values, buffer storms, and even provide a source of energy through waste wood and mulch, among other services, Next City reports.

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• Get the January-February 2012 issue. Topics: Made for Walking, walking audits, Takin' it to the streets, Queens development weathers Sandy, Shared space taken to a new level, Streetscape spurs downtown turnaround, Florida streets manual gets traditional neighborhood chapter, Is better parking lot design enough?, Cities in small metros growing, Redesign arterial streets for pedestrians.

• Get New Urbanism: Best Practices Guide, packed with more than 800 informative photos, plans, tables, and other illustrations, this book is the best single guide to implementing better cities and towns.

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