Village Gardens, a TND in Lincoln, Nebraska
Village Gardens, a TND in Lincoln, Nebraska, is in the groundbreaking stage and is slated to begin construction of residential units this fall. The Campbell family, which ran a nursery business on their 215-acre property for 90 years, decided to develop the land when it was overtaken by suburban development. Bill Lennertz, a new urbanist planner and architect who now operates the National Charrette Institute, spoke in Lincoln in the late 1990s. “The concept of New Urbanism sounded like a great fit for what we wanted to do with the land,” says Carrie Campbell, director of development. Lennertz Coyle & Associates, which is now part of HDR/LCA+Sargent Town Planning, was hired to do the design. The new plan is 300 acres with the inclusion of an 85-acre adjoining parcel and includes two mixed-use village centers. Build-out is expected to take 7 to 10 years, Campbell told New Urban News. Meanwhile, the family is shifting nursery operations to a new location farther out in the countryside.