Midtown Pattern Zone
The fast-growing City of Bryan, Texas, located next to Texas A&M University, was experiencing problems with “stealth dorms” and low-quality, rent-by-the-room housing in the 1.6-square-mile Midtown area. The city is seeking to raise housing quality without adding to the burdens of small...Read more -
La Fontana District
La Fontana District is a 96-acre new district located to the west of the historic city of David, Panama, on a site facing the Pan-American Highway, which stretches from Alaska to Argentina. Over the decades, uncontrolled infill development and random sprawl have eroded the urban form and ecology of...Read more -
The redevelopment of the 711-acre former Mueller airport includes, as of 2020, more than 4,000 diverse living spaces, major employers, and a mixed-use town center. Mueller’s parks attract visitors from across the city. About 35 percent of the living units meet affordability standards, the result of...Read more -
Monon Boulevard Corridor
Carmel, Indiana, a suburb of more than 90,000 people bordering on Indianapolis, is building a walkable urban downtown to fit its growing population and economy. Main Street and the Arts and Design District have already been revitalized with restaurants and art galleries. City Center, a half-mile to...Read more