Kevin Adams
Kevin currently does Design Thinking and Research for The Home Depot in Atlanta Georgia and was trained in Urban Planning at UMD and Urban Design at Georgia Tech.
Micro-heroicism, Tulsa, and the DNA of CNU
New urbanists need to recharge their commitment to a "micro-heroic" remapping of mid-century America—where immigrants, workers, and minorities now struggle to build sustainable communities.
The next great urban reset
Sometime this century—perhaps in the next decade—America will be physically repurposed in a new urban form that is different from sprawl or 19th Century gridded towns. Is CNU ready to lead when that happens?
The next great urban reset
Sometime this century—perhaps in the next decade—America will be physically repurposed in a new urban form that is different from sprawl or 19th Century gridded towns. Is CNU ready to lead when that happens?