CNU Staff

CNU Staff are dedicated to the mission of the organization, put on the annual Congress, and carry out the many programs and projects of CNU. Staff work out of the main office in DC and offices in Chicago, IL, Ithaca, NY, and Beaufort, SC.

Article image for Four types of placemaking Public space

Four types of placemaking

Placemaking is the process of creating quality places that people want to live, work, play, and learn in.

CNU STAFFOCT. 10, 2014
Article image for New guide offers communities a path to zoning reform Codes

New guide offers communities a path to zoning reform

CNU teams with the State of Vermont to promote incremental steps to housing access and affordability in communities of all sizes.
CNU STAFFJUL. 22, 2020
Article image for Partnership in DC focuses on minimizing displacement ahead of bridge park Equity

Partnership in DC focuses on minimizing displacement ahead of bridge park

An Equitable Development Plan offers wealth building opportunities—not just affordable rental housing—including homeownership, workforce development, financial counseling, and small business development.
CNU STAFFOCT. 16, 2019