Ben Crowther
Ben Crowther is the Advocacy Manager for America Walks, where he works with state and local advocates supporting mobility for all. Prior to joining America Walks, Ben was the program manager for the Congress for the New Urbanism (CNU)’s Highways to Boulevards initiative. He also led CNU’s national advocacy for the federal Reconnecting Communities program.
A corridor of opportunities
Out of all of the CNU Freeways Without Futures picks, I-345 in Dallas probably has the most potential to create new mixed-use development as it reconnects downtown to a historic neighborhood.
To heal highway harms, Buttigieg needs bold thinking
Entrenched state departments of transportation dedicated to highway building threaten to capture Reconnecting Communities grant funds to continue harm — not undo it.
Connecting to reclaim communities
CNU's 2018 Transportation Summit united local groups that battle to remove disruptive urban highway segments