• Healing a troubled medical district

    Memphis Medical District demonstrates the power of anchor institutions to improve sense of place and the economy in surrounding neighborhoods, while avoiding displacement.
    At 2.6 square miles, the Memphis Medical District is a city-within-a-city that has suffered severe disinvestment in the last 50 years. The population, once more than 30,000, declined to less than 10,000 by 2014, when medical and educational institutions in the district agreed to partner with local...Read more
  • Neighborhood additions work against displacement

    Four developments in Deanwood, DC, show the transformative potential of multiple projects that include low-income housing in a single Opportunity Zone.
    Tom Gallas calls it “ADDification:” Adding affordable housing, services, and amenities to neighborhoods with new buildings that don’t displace existing residents. That’s the approach in Deanwood—a neighborhood east of the Anacostia River in Washington, DC. That area long suffered disinvestment and...Read more
  • Re-designing Church for the 21st Century

    A creative approach moves from single-use big boxes to walkable mixed-use neighborhoods.
    Church participation has been declining in the United States over the past five decades. Hundreds of churches close every month. The closings have increased as an unprecedented percentage of young adults choose to spend their time elsewhere. But, will the trend continue? The answer is no if Dr...Read more
  • Ten things to see and do in Louisville (while at CNU)

    Still haven’t registered for CNU 27.Louisville June 12-15, or are planning fun side activities for your trip? Then this list of some of our local favorites is for you. The discounted registration rate for CNU 27 is available until May 10th.
    1) Main Street and the Old Forester Distillery A favorite of local new urbanists, this stunning downtown destination was a triumphant return to Main Street for Old Forester, the iconic makers of sour mash, who claim bragging rights to the first bourbon ever sealed in a glass bottle. Whisky Row is...Read more