Socially sustainable communities are more than friends and families
'Weak ties' are the strings that thread their way through the social fabric, allowing information, culture, and work to flow. Fragmented communities break down those ties.Articles in the popular press have suggested that there’s an epidemic of loneliness , that Americans have fewer and fewer meaningful connections to other people. Studies show that unrelieved loneliness has physiological effects leading to higher rates of morbidity and mortality, especially in older...Read more -
CNU in Louisville: How to engage
Here's the clearest and most complete explanation of the nuts and bolts of CNU's annual Congress and how to engage at every level. CNU 27.Louisville begins June 12, 2019, but engagement starts in less than two weeks.CNU’s annual event—affectionately known as the Congress—is now entering its 27th year. During the past several decades, the event has morphed and evolved as the movement—and staff—has changed and grown. The purpose of this article is to daylight the Congress process and provide information on how...Read more -
What’s next for New Urbanism movement? YOU.
During the Congress in Savannah, I announced an intentional, ground-up effort to identify and articulate an overarching goal for the New Urbanist movement for the next 10-20 years to help us accelerate and fully realize the vision of the Charter . Today I want to invite all advocates and supporters...Read more -
A lucky boy who will be missed
CNU co-founder Stefanos Polyzoides said of Bill Dennis: "We lost a brother."Bill Dennis was one of the first people I met in New Urbanism, when I stopped in at the charrette for Lakelands and Kentlands' Market Square in Gaithersburg, Maryland, in March of 1996. Andres Duany introduced me to Bill, an architect and urban designer, because he was a cool guy and a key...Read more