MiCNU | Join Us Here!
MiCNU is active on Facebook and also has a monthly newsletter, plus a monthly book club that convenes in Grand Rapids. Whether you would like to join us or simply stay informed, please use these links below:
Share your news and projects on our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/MiCNU/
Sign-up for our E-Newsletter: Email your name and address to either board member: jay.hoekstra@comcast.net or sharonwoods@landuseusa.com
Join our Grand Rapids Book Club: https://www.facebook.com/groups/607012386329725/
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Mi.NU.Future | Mi.NU.Decade
Over the past three years MiCNU has elected six new members to our Board of Directors. We also launched a Grand Rapids book club; hosted open street events in Windsor; sponsored book signings and university lectures; commenced a monthly newsletter release; ramped up activity on our Facebook page; attended nation-wide chapter retreats; participated in a regional summit with our CNU Midwest neighbors; and celebrated with annual holiday gatherings.
We hope to bring our message to professions and groups outside of the conventional land use planning arenas. We will be reaching out to municipal advocacy organizations; real estate development organizations; organizations of architectural practitioners; and other stakeholders groups. We hope to increase our total membership while advancing our mission of education and membership engagement.
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About MiCNU | History and Mission
CNU Michigan is a nonprofit corporation that was organized and created on July 9, 2008. The Founding Members included professionals and academics well-known for their work and studies in the New Urbanism movement. We now have members from all regions of Michigan and Southwest Ontario. Our current board members (2019-2021) are located in Holland, Grand Rapids, Lansing, Flint, Ann Arbor, Detroit, and Windsor. We also collaborate with our neighboring chapters in Ontario, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, and Wisconsin.
CNU Michigan was originally organized for educational purposes; and our purpose and mission continues to focus on the following:
1. To organize and produce meetings, conferences, workshops and/or other forms of technical assistance dedicated to the refinement and dissemination of the principles and techniques of New Urbanism, and particularly as they relate to Michigan, Midwest, and Ontario issues.
2. To produce and distribute written documents and audio visual materials recording the conference proceedings and other educational programs, for the purpose of educating the public and planning profession about New Urbanism.
3. To further advance the smart principles of New Urbanism through networking and publicity avenues, including social media and in-person networking events.
In its initial five years as an active organization, CNU Michigan accomplished a variety of initiatives. The most notable is the publication of a book, Form-Based Codes in 7-Steps; co-sponsorship of a conference on transportation issues; and hosting of networking events throughout the state. In 2016 we were the proud hosts of the CNU 24.Detroit congress, which attracted one of the highest attendances on record.
Welcome to the MiCNU Chapter, and let us know how we can improve to help you get the most out of the organization and the movement!