Jaime Izurieta-Varea
Architect, Historic Preservationist and Urban Designer (Savannah College of Art and Design 2003) and MSc in Urban Management and Development (IHS Erasmus University, 2008). Ideamonger. Founder of Cité. Fábrica de Ideas Urbanas, an urban design firm based in Quito, Ecuador, active since 2003. Contributor to various local and international media. Professor of Architectural Design Studios. Member of the Congress for the New Urbanism. De Facto Ideologist and maker of decent espresso at the family's Quito, Ecuador-based bookstore, Libreria Rayuela. I believe in cities, which are man's greatest creation, and in their centuries old struggle to resist cataclysms, governments and Le Corbusier. Currently, I work at the intersection of Urban Design, Economic Development and Environmental Psychology, exploring the ecosystem of Innovation Districts, and how citizens respond to their cities' stimuli to become more entrepreneurial, innovative, creative and collaborative.