Walkable neighborhoods and buildings that frame the public realm should be part of any fire rebuilding effort in Pacific Palisades and Altadena—experts comment on fire recovery and urbanism.
Integrating resilience into urban design encourages a shift in thinking: Resilient urban design should not only facilitate mitigation and adaptation but also ensure that the solutions for both have to be likable to all.
Charter award-winning plan is the basis for a much-needed makeover of Harrison Avenue, Panama City, Florida.
New urbanists are working in devastated areas in North Carolina, helping to set up the kernels of community rebuilding.
Urban practitioners are uniquely positioned to shape not only our cities and communities but also the future of the environment in which we live.
The flagship for authentic incrementalism in Asheville, North Carolina, is gone, flooded by Helene.
Graduate student housing in Ithaca, New York, employs climate-friendly urbanism while meeting aggressive greenhouse gas reduction goals.
Like a periodic table of urbanism, the Sustainable Urban Design Framework provides a comprehensive view of the relationships between policies and urban forms at all scales. The framework is the basis for a new Sustainable Urban Design Handbook.
Pike and Rose is a new transit-oriented downtown in Montgomery County, Maryland, with a botanical public realm.
Groveland, Florida, has adopted a Dark Sky Lighting ordinance that preserves views of the Milky Way, saves energy, and enhances streetscapes.
Just Imagine SWLA is a long-term resilience plan for Calcasieu and Cameron parishes in Louisiana. The Community Foundation Southwest Louisiana and Urban Design Associates won a 2024 CNU Charter Award in The Region: Metropolis, City, and Town...
The traditional, low-tech system of delivering lunches in India's largest city is an inspirational model to sustainably reduce carbon emissions.