Location: Winooski, VT
CCRPC RAISE Grant Project Management
Closing: May 19th, 2023
Full RFQ: https://www.ccrpcvt.org/resources/rfprfqgrants/
The Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission (CCRPC) is soliciting qualifications from individuals or firms to provide project management services for the implementation of a Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE) Planning Grant: Transit-Oriented Development Plan for Northwest Vermont (https://www.ccrpcvt.org/our-work/transportation/2022-raise-grant/).
The CCRPC has been awarded a federal RAISE planning grant with an overall budget of $2,250,000 to develop a comprehensive Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Plan for Northwest Vermont. The grant will be administered by the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) and will be centered around Chittenden County, Vermont and includes the four surrounding counties of Franklin, Addison, Rutland, and Washington.
The CCRPC is one of eleven regional planning commissions serving Vermont municipalities. CCRPC operates under the Vermont Municipal and Regional Planning and Development Act (Title 24, Chapter 117, V.S.A.) and conducts metropolitan transportation planning pursuant to 23 U.S.C. 134, and its adopted bylaws.
Scope of Services
The CCRPC seeks to engage qualified individuals or firms to provide overall management of the TOD Plan for Northwest Vermont in close coordination with the CCRPC and other participating RPCs. Generally, the selected Project Manager is expected to work with participating RPCs and selected consultants on the development of TOD plans; procure and manage the real estate market consultant; and procure and manage the public transit consultant(s).
How to Apply
Individuals and firms shall submit their qualifications to mdistel@ccrpcvt.org.
Qualifications must be received no later than 4:00 PM on May 19, 2023
Firms requesting additional information or that have questions regarding this RFQ should email mdistel@ccrpcvt.org and reference the section of the RFQ to which the question pertains.