City of Tallahassee
Close date: 
Sunday, February 23, 2025

Location: Tallahassee, FL

Director of City/County Planning

Salary: $90,764 - $153,262 Annually

Closing: February 23, 2025


This is responsible administrative and professional work in managing the Tallahassee-Leon County Planning Department. Work is performed in accordance with broad directives from City and County Commissions. The position is under administrative direction of the Director of the City/County Planning, Land Management and Community Enhancement (PLACE) Department. The person in this position must exercise considerable independent judgment.

Essential Duties

Manages the development and maintenance of a unified area-wide planning program for two governmental jurisdictions (City of Tallahassee and Leon County). Assigns, manages, plans, organizes and reviews the activities of professional, technical and clerical personnel engaged in the compilation, analysis and interpretation of data and preparation of reports and recommendations affecting community planning and development. Recommends and responds to priorities set by the City and County Commissions for long-range and current planning to ensure that planning activities comply with state and federal laws. Attends meetings of the City Commission, County Commission, MPO, and Planning Commission to provide staff support and direction. Meets with staff from other departments to evaluate and recommend policy (e.g., target issues, major projects). Provides policy direction and oversight to staff through review and approval of agenda material. Represents the department as ex-officio member of various committees (Site Plan Review Committee, Architectural Review Board, Downtown Improvement Authority). Meets with applicants or other affected parties on development proposals or other department projects and responds to Commissions’ requests on same. Develops quality and productivity improvement capabilities to improve services and effectiveness. Prepares amendments and administers the Comprehensive Plan for Tallahassee and Leon County within established policies. Assists the director to plan and supervise departmental budget and work programs. Directs and supervises special projects and studies. Serves as technical advisor to the City Manager, County Administrator, City and County Commissions and department directors on planning and planning related problems. Advises employees on the more difficult aspects of their work. Coordinates Planning Department activities with the activities of other City and County departments and independent and public agencies. Hires, transfers, promotes, adjusts grievances, disciplines and dismisses employees as designated by the director. Conducts performance evaluations and approves or disapproves merit increases. Performs related work as required.

Knowledge, Abilities and Skills

Thorough knowledge of the organizational characteristics, services and activities of a comprehensive city/county planning program. Thorough knowledge of budget preparation and control. Thorough knowledge of management practices as applied to the analysis and evaluation on programs, policies and operational needs. Thorough knowledge of the principles, methods, practices and theories of urban and rural planning. Thorough knowledge of laws and ordinances, regulations and statutes that govern the urban planning function. Considerable knowledge of the principles of supervision, training and performance evaluation. Ability to supervise professional, technical and clerical employees. Ability to present technical information clearly and concisely to lay groups and the public, both orally and in writing. Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with other employees, City and County officials and the public. Ability to administer and participate in complex planning studies and to analyze information and formulate substantive recommendations based on such studies. Ability to supervise and perform technical research. Demonstrates interpersonal facilitation and communication skills. Skill in the use of microcomputers and the programs and applications necessary for successful job performance.


Minimum Training and Experience Possession of a master's degree in public administration, urban and regional planning, business administration, or a related field and six years of professional and administrative experience that includes urban, county and/or regional planning; or an equivalent combination of training and experience. Three years of the required experience must have been in a supervisory capacity.

Necessary Special Requirements

Must possess a valid Class E State driver's license at the time of appointment.

How to Apply

Apply online at:

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