
Location: Phoenix, AZ

South Central Transit Oriented Development (TOD) Implementation

Closing: February 23, 2024

Full RFP:

The CITY was awarded a Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Planning grant from the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) Federal Transit Administration (FTA) to align several key implementation strategies identified in the South Central TOD Community Plan (PLAN) to help make significant progress toward more equitable land use, transportation, and infrastructure needs. The PLAN outlines the current conditions of the corridor, articulates the community’s long-term vision, creates a policy basis for rezoning properties, and identifies implementation strategies, both short and long term, to produce outcomes that benefit all existing and future residents of the corridor.

Scope of Work
The CITY is seeking a qualified Contractor to utilize the existing and adopted PLAN to initiate implementation efforts to provide more equitable access to create new and enhance existing services in alignment with the PLAN.

All tasks will include private sector participation and engagement activities.

The planning area is shown on pages 24-25 of the PLAN. For all tasks, the planning area boundaries extend approximately 200’ beyond the centerlines of the streets that define the project area. The planning area terminates at South Mountain Park for the Implementation PLAN.

When complete, the South Central Extension light rail project area will connect to the existing Valley Metro Rail in Downtown Phoenix and will continue south on Central Avenue to Baseline Road. The City of Phoenix intends to continue the momentum from the successful adoption of the PLAN. This scope of work intends to make immediate and timely progress towards achieving the established “shared community vision for environmentally equitable, compact and connected communities; sustainable and resilient; incremental change and growth; towards a world-class regional destination that supports local small businesses, shares cultures, and improves health for all existing and future residents.”

More specifically, this proposal aligns to several key implementation strategies identified in the PLAN (pages 208-211) to help make significant progress toward more equitable land use, transportation, and infrastructure investments

How to Apply
Please submit one printed original of the Offer, including Cover Sheet, Technical Proposal, Price Proposal, and Required Submittal Forms, for the Procurement Officer’s review. Please also submit one electronic copy (on a portable drive) of the same for the Procurement Officer. Please do not lock the electronic copy with password protection so that the CITY may digitally incorporate the successful offer into the awarded contract.

Further, please submit 5 hard copies of the Offer, but excluding the Price Proposal and Required Submittal Forms, for the evaluation panel’s review.

Contact information:
Conner Exline
Contract Specialist II
302 N. 1st Avenue
Phoenix, AZ 85003