CNU 28.A Virtual Gathering was held online from June 10-13, 2020. While we all missed gathering in person, given the uncertainty of what we are all facing, the Congress content is even more relevant than ever before. If you registered for CNU 28 Live + Archive, you can access all the sessions now through the web app that you used to view the Congress. Select "recordings" from the bottom of the left-hand navigation. If you are interested in purchasing archival access, please contact
While we were thrilled with how the virtual event turned out, we could not have done the Congress at all without the support and guidance of our Twin Cities Local Host Committee, who worked tirelessly for over two years on fundraising, programming, tours, and logistics alongside CNU staff. Not being able to be in Minneapolis and Saint Paul due to COVID-19 meant not being able to showcase so many of the things that this committee worked on. CNU's board and staff cannot thank them enough for all their hard work:
- Committee Co-Chairs: Ryan Kelley and Lucy Thompson
- Program Committee Co-Chairs: Peter Musty and Peter Harmatuck
- Marketing and Outreach Committee Co-Chairs: Merritt Clapp-Smith and Nate Hood
- Fundraising Committee Co-Chairs: Bob Close and Mike Lamb
- Additional Committee Members: Jerremy Foss, Paul Harms, Thomas Hertzog, Michael Lander, Paul Mandell, Sam Newberg, Sara Joy Proppe, Ella Rasp, Emily Smoak, and Heather Worthington.