Location: Woodburn, OR
Transportation Consulting
Closing: July 7, 2023
Goal: The City is seeking to enlist a transportation planning consultant to provide technical guidance and protect City interests through transportation expertise and having proposed land developments meet Woodburn Comprehensive Plan transportation goals and policies, Oregon Dept. of Transportation (ODOT) standards where the agency has jurisdiction, as well as Woodburn Development Ordinance (WDO) 3.01 purpose statement, 3.04.05 (transportation impact analyses), & 5.04.04B.3 (zoning map change / rezoning).
Task: Reviewing and providing written and verbal comments on traffic studies that applicants provide for development applications and consulting with staff on mitigating the transportation effects of developments.
How to Apply
Submit a proposal of up to 6 pages and sheets (inclusive of any graphics) addressing qualifications to address the scope of work – focusing on objectives 1, 2, 6, & 8 – by email (Adobe PDF attachments are acceptable totaling less than 10MB), mail, or in-person delivery by: Thursday, July 6, 2023 at 4:00 p.m. PST to:
City of Woodburn
Attn: Chris Kerr, Community Development Director
Planning Division
270 Montgomery Street
Woodburn, OR 97071-4730
Any mailed submittal must be received, not simply postmarked, by the due date. If you have questions, contact Mr. Kerr at (503) 982-2485 or chris.kerr@ci.woodburn.or.us or Colin Cortes, AICP, CNU-A, Senior Planner at (503) 980-2485 or colin.cortes@ci.woodburn.or.us. If e-mailing a submittal, cc Mr. Cortes.