
Location: Fort Worth, TX

Master Transportation Plan

Closing: August 16, 2023

Full RFP:

The City of Fort Worth is seeking consultant services to develop a Master Transportation Plan, providing necessary foundational policies and guidelines by which the 12th largest U.S. city can effectively “move” forward. The City, which has no comprehensive Master Transportation Plan, is adding 20K to 25K new residents a year, creating challenges keeping up with transportation infrastructure, funding needs, and project delivery necessary to minimize congestion, support economic development, maximize operational efficiencies, technological advances; while maintaining safe operation of the network for the traveling public. This plan will have a horizon year of 2050, coinciding with the updated Comprehensive Plan and NCTCOG’S Metropolitan Transportation Plan cycle. The purpose of this planning effort is to:

  • Develop clear goals and objectives for priority transportation over the next 20 to 25 years, and vet projects for inclusion in future bond cycles as well as federal and state programs.
  • Establish multi-modal networks for safe, equitable, and effective transport of pedestrians, cyclists, autos, micromobility (including airborne), freight, and mass transit.
  • Accommodate projected geographic and population growth.
  • Improve safety (in support of Vision Zero), minimize congestion, and create regional connectivity.
  • Develop processes and strategies to optimize public-private partnership opportunities.
  • Identify/develop funding options/strategies for system enhancement, ADA compliance, and state of good repair
  • Gather/consider other priorities voiced by the public during plan’s public outreach/engagement process.
  • Develop prioritized program of multimodal projects with clear limits, descriptions, funding sources, cost estimates, and start dates.
  • Prioritize projects based on needs and potential leveraging of other projects being implemented across departments and agencies for efficiency.
  • Develop a reasonable financial forecast based on current and potentially new revenues/sources, such as the development of an adoptable transportation user fee, bond, TIP, and other funding cycles.
  • Coordinate city policies that impact transportation and land use such as zoning and subdivision regulation.
  • Integrate smart cities/technology strategies with viable projects/policies to program/implement plan goals.

How to Apply
Send questions to Kelly Porter at and copy

City of Fort Worth
Purchasing Division
200 Texas Street
Fort Worth, Texas 76102

FORMAT: One (1) original and Seventeen (17) copies.
One (1) electronic in PDF Format on USB.