Call for the best form-based codes
A jury of top urban designers and planners will select this year’s Driehaus Award: highlighting a great form-based code (or codes) that has been adopted in any year in any community in the world. The award showcases what's possible with good zoning and spotlights cities and towns that are pushing the envelope with innovate practices—providing examples for other communities looking to change.
The submission deadline is April 5, 2019. Details can be found on the website of the Form-Based Codes Institute, including the application form and instructions, and eligibility requirements. This award is made possible by the generosity of the Richard H. Driehaus Charitable Lead Trust and it will be announced at CNU 27 in Louisville, Kentucky, by jury chair George Proakis and FCBI steering committee chair Marina Khoury.
The awards are the eleventh annual for achievement in the writing and implementation of form-based codes, which have emerged as an alternative to conventional zoning with the potential to create a comfortable, accessible public realm by focusing on the scale and placement of buildings and the design of streets and public spaces.
Winners in 2018 were: Akanda Smartcode for the Akanda Commune in Gabon, Africa; and the Beaufort Code for Beaufort, SC. Read about these winners here.