A political diatribe accuses new urbanists of limiting liberty and imposing an exclusive vision on America. With support among liberals and conservatives, New Urbanism uses common sense to increase freedom for all and make communities healthier.
The federal government offers a resource of 27 options, building on the recommendations of CNU.
Law professor Michael Lewyn has written a comprehensive and readable analysis of the complete streets movement, why it has failed to transform America’s streets, and what can be done.
The regulations to transform the Columbia Pike suburban strip in Arlington were a milestone for form-based codes. A gathering of urbanists reviewed ongoing progress with 3,400 housing units, mixed-use, and public space built in the last 20 years.
Contemporary zoning envisions cities in a finished state—we need codes that constantly adapt to the changing urban landscape, which is the idea behind “metrocoalescence.”
Norman, Oklahoma, has devised one of the most efficient ways to reduce parking requirements and stimulate incremental development.
Redeveloping commercial corridors, using policies like AB 2011 in California, enables new housing at a scale big enough to eliminate the housing shortage in the US without displacement, argues a CNU founder.
The Vermont Homes for All Toolkit comprehensively promotes Missing Middle housing for more diverse and affordable living in the Green Mountain State.
Kingston Forward takes the art and communication of a form-based code to a new level in a historic New York State city. Dover, Kohl & Partners won a 2024 CNU Charter Award in The Region: Metropolis, City, and Town category.
Why mayors are increasingly acting like city planners
CNU has endorsed the Housing Supply and Affordability Act, introduced in the US House and Senate last week.
The bill is sponsored by Representatives Lisa Blunt Rochester (D-Del.), Brian Fitzpatrick (R-Pa.), Joyce Beatty (D-Ohio), and...
The HOME act allows missing middle housing statewide, reduces parking requirements, targets entitlement delays, and received widespread support.