Home design: The community is key
Good news for architects and urbanists.
Three fundamental errors in architectural thinking and how to fix them
Identifying mistakes in designers' basic assumptions is a first step to a healthier, more sustainable built environment.
The emperor's new buildings
A book review of Making Dystopia: The Strange Rise and Survival of Architectural Barbarism by James Stevens Curl.
From McMansion to McMain Street
Like the McMansion, the McMain Street attempts to mimic the complex roof massing of many buildings in a single building. Here are ideas on better ways to preserve or create Main Street character.
A context-based, form-language for mixed-use, main street buildings
How to design buildings with human scale and proportion (and Modernism’s ongoing inability to get it right).
Lessons from travel: Het Schip
Amsterdam architect Michel de Klerk and the patronage of Dutch merchants in the early 20th Century are an inspiration to today's wealthy classes on how to provide beautiful housing that is affordable to today's working class.
Extending design excellence in a historic city
A large-scale development raises the bar for new design in Charleston, while re-connecting neighborhoods and anchoring a 1.6-mile-long linear park.
Why buildings need ‘eyes’
To understand architecture and design buildings successfully, we need to acknowledge core human tendencies that secured our survival.
A comprehensive guide to buildings in walkable neighborhoods
Here’s what you need to know about a wide range of building types that make up mixed-use cities and towns, how they work, and why they matter.