
Welcome to the archives of Better Cities & Towns, a publication founded by Robert Steuteville as New Urban News in 1996. This archive holds two decades of the best news and analysis on compact, mixed-use growth and development, from 1996 to 2015.
The entry deadline for the 2003 Rudy Bruner Award for Urban Excellence has been set for December 16, 2002. This award is given biennially for urban projects that demonstrate excellence in architectural design, process, financing, and other aspects...
Dan Erdman is working at lining up tenants for a 100,000-square-foot shopping area he would like to build at Middletown Hills, the 150-acre development that his father, the late Marshall Erdman, began planning several years ago near Madison,...
Southern Village, a TND two miles south of downtown Chapel Hill, North Carolina, is now eating well. The 6,000-square-foot Weaver Street Market, operated by the largest health food co-op in the Southeast, recently opened, joining the Lumina movie...
Can the ravaged neighborhoods of Detroit be rebuilt in a traditional manner, with neighborhood centers established no more than a quarter mile from each neighborhood’s edge?
Information on visitability is currently available in print and on the web.
The Congress for the New Urbanism (CNU) and the Disability Rights Action Coalition for Housing (DRACH) are working to find ways to both enhance accessibility and create good urbanism. At their November 2001 meeting, the CNU Board of Directors met...
Cooper Robertson & Partners was tapped to help Baltimore create a long-term master plan for its famous Inner Harbor. The firm will plan for new development, the improvement of pedestrian mobility, and better connections to surrounding historic...
The National Main Street Center has set October 31, 2002, as the entry deadline for its Great American Main Street Awards and Main Street Leadership Awards. Both awards recognize exceptional accomplishments in revitalizing historic and traditional...
Four three-story buildings with housing in their upper floors and retail or office space at ground level are under construction facing the square in Haile Village Center, a widely admired new urban development in Gainesville, Florida. Those and 13...
Speed humps are beginning to face resistance from motorists, The Christian Science Monitor reports. The flat-topped traffic-calming devices, less abrupt than speed bumps, generally succeed in forcing drivers to slow down – at least briefly. Four...
III. The court and courtyard Category: semipublic space The passage and the forecourt, discussed in earlier issues of the Technical Page, are movement spaces linking the public realm of the street with the semipublic realm of an interior entry...
Vehicular accidents overall declined 39 percent. Accidents resulting in injuries fell 76 percent. Accidents resulting in death or incapacitating injury plunged 90 percent.